This year is shaping up to be great. Lots of new kids are getting involved in the boxing program – the majority are girls! Go winyans! The boxers are practicing hard to get ready for upcoming events. If you would like to sponsor the kids please visit our donation page on Paypal and specify Thunder Lake Boxing!
Summer Suicide Prevention Events
It has been a rough year for these young kids. There has just been another wave of suicides among the young people in Pine Ridge. Leaders are working tirelessly to round up as many kids as possible to keep them safe and give them an outlet to talk about what is going on. Our prayers go out to the young people who have taken their lives and to all the friends and families of these young people. We are sponsoring several emergency gatherings around the reservation this week. Please visit our Paypal page if you would like to help support.
It’s Official!
Great news! We received our letter from the IRS today. The Mitakupi Foundation is now an official federally recognized tax-exempt 501c3 non-profit organization! That means all donations received since our filing date last November are tax deductible to the full extent of the law! Please join as we now increase our fundraising efforts to support the youth of Pine Ridge!
Sacred Hoop Run 2015
We have just returned from Pine Ridge and another successful Sacred Hoop Prayer Run. Sincere thanks to everyone who supported it!
Over 150 youth participated in 6 days of running, praying, camping and traditional teachings. We finished up filming for our feature documentary on the run and we will have more updates on that soon!
Tragically, the week of the run there were 3 more teen suicides reminding us of the urgent need for support and resources for the people on the front lines helping these kids around the clock. We met with leaders from the SweetGrass project – who are the first responders to suicides on the reservation. They also lead suicide prevention teachings for youth and man the Suicide Hotline that we set up last winter. We will be partnering with them on several new upcoming initiatives.
New music video for Tee Iron Cloud!
500 Mile Sacred Hoop Prayer Run 2015!
We are back out with the young people from all over Pine Ridge who will be running and praying for 5 days as they relay 500 miles around the Black Hills. We are supporting the run and shooting more footage for our upcoming film Running On A Wing And A Prayer. These kids are running and praying for the people – beautiful!
Life Is Good!
The Hotline Is LIVE!
The Suicide Hotline is LIVE!
(605) 454-5555.
If you would like to sponsor this program please visit our Paypal page:
Candlelight Vigil
Suicide Hotline Launches!
We are pleased to announce that the suicide hotline in Pine Ridge is up and running! Thanks to our wonderful supporters we raised enough to purchase phones, set up a central line, and keep it going for the next 6 months. Our next step is to secure funding for the rest of the year.
The number is (605) 454 – 5555
Please share with anyone you think may benefit.
Thank you EIleen Janis, Yvonne ‘Tiny’ DeCory and Verlyn Garnier and other members of the Sweet Grass Project for running the line and being available 24/7 for the youth!