We are happy to announce the winners of our 2017 Fall Art Contest!
There are so many ways to interpret this idea. While some of the work focused on color and incorporated color into the work – some submissions were about the absence of color and how that artistic choice made an impact.

Grand Prize Winner Aurora Marshall Age 12

Grand Prize Winner Carrie Twiss Age 18

1st Place (11-14) Elizabeth Iron Horn Age 14

1st Place (15-18) Ohitika Lewis Age 17

1st Place (15-18) Isabella Lakota Age 16

1st Place (10 & under) Amalia Swallow Age 10

Honorable Mention Alyssa Stove Age 12

Honorable Mention Tyra Standing Bear Age 16

Honorable Mention Giani Bettelyoun Age 12

Honorable Mention Angelina Zimiga Age 14

Honorable Mention Malia White Eyes 1 Age 10

Honorable Mention Malia White Eyes2 Age 10

Award Of Merit Brianna Vocu Age 16

Award Of Merit Emilee Swalley Age 14

Award Of Merit Shia Sierra Age 11

Award Of Merit Kaylee Provost Age 10

Award Of Merit Johnny Vallejo Age 10

Award Of Merit Jaye Kingfisher age 9
Every student who submits artwork for a contest is automatically enrolled in our Creators Club. Every time they submit work they earn points to save up for prizes. We are most interested in keeping young people engaged in the creative process – and the Creators Club was born for that very purpose. It goes us a way to reward effort as well as merit and keep kids engaged in the ongoing process of creativity.