Congratulations to all of our participants! There were so many great submissions we had to add some extra awards!
Everyone who submits is enrolled in the Mitakupi Creator’s Club. Artists receive10 points for every month they submit which they can save up to earn prizes.
Our winners for the April 2016 Art Contest theme “COURAGE”:
Grand Prize Breianna High Wolf Age 11
First Place Honors (15-18) Jordan Cortier Age 18
First Place Honors (11-14) Jayden Giago Age 13
First Place (10 & Under) Jewelia Lebeau Age10
First Place (10 & Under) Ted White Plume Age 10
First Place (11-14) Aidan Pond Age 13
First Place (11-14) Joshua Archuletta Age 11
Honorable Mention Marena Eder Age 10
Honorable Mention Tayza Brave Heart Age 13
Honorable Mention Jasmine Big Crow Age 10
Honorable Mention Jacinda Tobacco Age10
Merit Award Tina Bear Nose Age 11
Merit Award Sevrano Arapahoe Age 14
Merit Award Joey Hill Age 11
Merit Award Makana Little Sky Age 10
Merit Award Lewis Wilson Age 13
Congratulations to all!
Please see our Media Gallery for all of the winning submissions.