We are seeking sponsors for the 2011-2012 ThunderLake Boxing Club.
The ThunderLake Boxing Club is one of the Gray Grass Youth Programs. Rick Gray Grass, a community and spiritual leader, has dedicated his life to serving the youth and teens on Pine Ridge. He is on the front lines creating opportunities to help kids have something to live for.
Rick not only helps kids find ways to endure the ravaging effects of poverty and oppression, but more so to overcome them. He mentors youth and works with boys and girls of all ages. He creates ongoing opportunities for them to get involved in their native traditions and has created several youth sports programs to help them learn discipline, increased self esteem and give them something to focus on and look forward to.
His flagship program, the ThunderLake boxing club, is currently in need of support. We are seeking cash donations to fund tournament travel and participation expenses and we are seeking items to raffle so the kids can be active in the fundraising activities.