The greatest treasures we had at the program were the incredible elders and master teachers who came to be with and teach the kids! Unci Verola Spider is a master quill worker and language arts teacher who taught at Oglala Lakota College for decades. She is one of the few Lakota teachers who has carried on the tradition and inspires the new generations to take up this ancient form of quillwork.
This very intricate art form requires great skill and patience.
Students learned different quilling techniques – including wrapping and sewing – and produced beautiful bracelets and medicine wheels.
J.T. Shinning Oneside did work with students in beading, sewing, and plant medicines. Her special project this year were baskets made of sweetgrass – grown and generously donated to us by our friend Vanne Mocilac.
The wealth of knowledge these elders hold and share is beyond priceless. Thank you Verola and J.T., And thank you to our other elders and teachers: Joseph Marshall III (Writing and “Lakota Identity”), Waylon Black Crow (leather work, drum sticks, pouches, traditional songs), Duane Reddest (traditional singing and drumming), Rick Red Blanket, and Uncis Stephanie Apple & Mona Richards! Wopila!
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