Awake: A Dream From Standing Rock
We are excited to announce that Josh Fox, the Emmy-award winning director of Awake: A Dream from Standing Rock and Gasland, is joining with us in support of the Mitakuye Foundation and the 500 Mile Sacred Hoop Run!
In 2016 the Mitakuye Foundation sponsored a prayer run, led by spiritual leader Ricky Gray Grass, that brought kids from Pine Ridge to Standing Rock to stand in solidarity with the water protectors. The kids were honored with a horse and police escort into the camp, were greeted by the whole camp with a powerful drum circle and ceremony, and had a special meeting with the tribal president. (See blogpost here)
We filmed the prayer run as part of our upcoming feature Running On A Wing and a Prayer (watch a sneak peak of Running On A Wing And A Prayer here) and released a short video of the Standing Rock Run on You Tube (See the film: “Prayer Run to Standing Rock”).

Sacred Hoop Runners
Awake: A Dream from Standing Rock shares some of the footage of the Sacred Hoop Runners on their journey. This beautiful film tells the story of the #NODAPL movement and the water protectors at Standing Rock Reservation in the summer and fall of 2016. We are excited that our kids got to be a part of this important film!
We are very happy to have Josh and his team as partners! We appreciate his support of the 500 Mile Sacred Hoop Run and all of the programming we do at Mitakuye to empower and uplift Native youth. We look forward to expanding the ways we support each other in our mutual goals of empowering the youth and bringing attention to the ongoing political, environmental, and economic abuses that continue to take place in the Lakota homelands!
Awake: A Dream From Standing Rock