We are absolutely thrilled to announce the launch of Richard Moves Camp’s new book My Grandfather’s Altar. The book was edited by Mitakuye co-founder Simon J. Joseph, Ph.D., produced by Mitakuye co-founder and Director Jennifer Jessum, published by the University of Nebraska Press, and created under the auspices of the Mitakuye Foundation’s Elders Project.
From the onset of the Mitakuye Foundation, we understood that one of the greatest resources kids on the reservation have is their elders and so they have been woven in to every facet of the work we do with students. Being able to help bring this book into the world has been a true honor and being able to help preserve this knowledge for young people is the fruition of a vital aspect of our mission to create programs and opportunities that uplift and empower Native youth!
You can read more about the process of bringing this book into the world and details on how to order it here: https://simonjjoseph.com/books/my-grandfathers-altar/
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