So much love and gratitude for this fierce warrior who made her journey this morning.
Reverend Dr. Gwynne Guibord was a giant in fostering peace and understanding between different faiths and cultures. But there is a side of her that many don’t know about.
With her partner Lo, Gwynne was a staunch advocate for Lakota youth and the work we do on Pine Ridge. The Mitakuye Foundation would not be serving young people the way it is today without the support, care, and concern of these two ladies.
From supporting our film Holy Man, to helping us to get our 501c3 processed, to supporting the prayer runs and youth art programs … Gwynne and Lo’s support has always been far more than financial. Their love and care and concern for the Lakota people is inspirational.
Anyone who has benefitted from any of our programs on any level can thank these ladies. And tonight I would ask you all to say a prayer for Gwynne as she makes her journey and a prayer for Lo as she faces this new chapter in her life.
Deep sadness today – but also such deep gratitude for our dear, dear friend and ally. We know she will be continuing her work from the other side.